instant lawn pretoria

Instant Lawn Pretoria

An instant lawn is …

  • A natural reducer of carbon emissions, 60 sq meters of lawn provides enough oxygen for you for a whole day!
  • A natural cooler, on a hot day lawn, will be up to 15 degrees cooler than tar/concrete and 9 degrees cooler than bare soil!
  • A natural allergen regulator. Lawn traps pollen from plants along with dust and dirt which otherwise end up in the atmosphere, helping you breathe easily!
  • A natural air filter. Lawn absorbs pollutants in the air such as carbon & sulfur dioxide turning them into oxygen!
  • A natural soil erosion controller. Lawn reduces run off and filters the water which also helps boost our groundwater supplies!
  • Compared to other types of surfaces, an instant lawn can also greatly reduce noise.

We offer an instant lawn installation service in Pretoria, Johannesburg and the rest of Gauteng: This includes estimates, site and soil preparation including removal of old lawns, turf laying, top soil and seasonal lawn care service, for more information please see Lawn Programs.